This single screen web-based app gives BioPlus intake specialists and pharmacists quick access to the electronic medical notes of individual patients while verifying new drug orders and/or refills. The viewer is accessed via a modal launched from within the company’s custom patient management software.
Coolest app features
Users can search patient notes data in a variety of ways (e.g., date range, keyword, column sorting). Patient note details for each record are stored inside Bootstrap panels that can be expanded or collapsed all at once or individually. A team member built the REST API that I used to access the data.
Biggest accomplishments
- Built from scratch in 3 weeks with no design or functionality requirements
- Customized a javascript date-range-picker to appear seamless with the UI
- Made this AngularJS app look like an integral part of the C# parent software
Technologies used
- HTML5/CSS2/3
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- AngularJS
- Postman
- RESTful API with JSON